My intent was not to offend anyone but to offer Beela some wise words of caution. Your right caution should be exersiced in all countries. But there are laws to protect women and prosecute men for sexual assault in western countries. Those laws don't exist here or if they do the man's word will always be take over a womans just because the society is framed that way.

Your right bad things can happen to anyone anywhere. However, its a known fact that some religious zelots teach that women have no soul and that they are there to temp men, which is a load of bs and amounts to a cop out for men not having to be responsible for thier own actions and behaviours.

So I say western women must protect themselves here in Arabia, never trusting men that they don't know and never putting themselves in situations that are questionable even with men they do know.

If something were to happen the fact is it would be considered the woman's fault, regardless of what happened, because the consensus would be the woman shouldn't have put herself in such a situation in the first place. Lets look at the 75 year old women who was just jailed in Saudi for taking bread from her nephew and a stranger. Lets look at the young woman who was violently raped last year and then she and her lawyer were both jailed for wasting the courts time. Yes these occurances were in Saudi, but lets face it Saudi is just across the border and while things have progessed here, they haven't progressed that much and I for one wouldn't want to have to test it.

All I am saying is that Beela is new and may not be aware of the social do's and don't and I wanted to make sure that she thinks twice and doesn't put herself in any potentially harmful situations.