hold on a sec, while i re read your post, mind telling us what exactly was the "thing" this 4 yr old was doing? From what i know kids can be the very jealous type and often try to do something to make the younger one look bad, perhaps the girl was just trying to get daddy's attention? or perhaps the daddy was just being nice to the little one, i mean seriously what was can a 4 yr old do that is so great to be compared to that of a 9 yr old huh?

And look at all of you saying things like "stupid" is a bad word, wtf? its parents like you that i'm sure spare the rod and spoil the kids!! When i used to go to church as a kid i would sit so quiet people thought i was dumb! and i see the kids in church these days screaming on top of their lungs, running around and the parents sit there like STUPID people. So dont give me that whole sensitive, child scaring pile of horse dung!

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)

