"This person is from India (Kerala) and i am Sure he would appoint a Keralite Preferably any of his relative for this job at the end."
- Is your statement borne of fact or mere assumption? Because tallg is absolutely right.
- HMC - because of its reputation - high standards to maintain. Whatever the current (valid or invalid) criticism on the lack of quality of current doctors and nurses. In fact, if that's the criticism, all the more reason to be more particular in ensuring that they employ people who have the requisite quality.
"My Interviewer, a 24- 25 year old chap with cocked hairstyle and hip hop british accent leads me to his cabin where my interview started. "
- Your statement shows your thought process and biased perceptions. So what if he's younger than you? And so what if he looks like a young punk? He apparently knows more than you do.
"He asked me questions and for my every answer i was contradicted & debated."
- That's his job as a professional interviewer because he will be held accountable for you if he recommends that you be employed by HMC. By the way, it may seem tough and you may think you did badly but he may not think so. Do not assume.
"He also asked some unnecessary questions about my past jobs."
- Questions about past jobs are not unnecessary. They are to test you on what you know (or don't know). And also to test your attitude - eg. if you blasted your ex employer or were indiscreet with confidential information - the question that's raised will be whether you will worth the trouble to employ or whether you will be more damaging in the long run. Anyone who's indiscreet is a liability to any company because of the wider considerations of maintaining the company's reputation. If your (or other people's) criticism is that HMC's current staff are hopeless (which is denied, as I have no idea and it's not my problem), then HMC's top management probably knows about those criticisms and has set policies to ensure that things change for the better.
"He made me feel totally incompetent amateur and stupid fool. For every sentence i spoke he made me feel like why did i open my mouth at all.After assaulting and battering my self confidence he gave me a test on computer for which i had no energy left. But still i completed my test and he pointed all my mistakes on the spot."
- He was just doing his job. Your attitude during the interview would make the difference. Your current thread is kinda detrimental if you haven't lost the job yet.
BUT as I said, interviewees may feel that they have performed very badly, etc. but you will only know if you don't get the job. cross that bridge only when you come to it. And IF you come to it, pick yourself up and carry on trying. Persevere and a positive attitude will get you far.
"This person is from India (Kerala) and i am Sure he would appoint a Keralite Preferably any of his relative for this job at the end."
- I rest my case.
"This person is from India (Kerala) and i am Sure he would appoint a Keralite Preferably any of his relative for this job at the end."
- Is your statement borne of fact or mere assumption? Because tallg is absolutely right.
- HMC - because of its reputation - high standards to maintain. Whatever the current (valid or invalid) criticism on the lack of quality of current doctors and nurses. In fact, if that's the criticism, all the more reason to be more particular in ensuring that they employ people who have the requisite quality.
"My Interviewer, a 24- 25 year old chap with cocked hairstyle and hip hop british accent leads me to his cabin where my interview started. "
- Your statement shows your thought process and biased perceptions. So what if he's younger than you? And so what if he looks like a young punk? He apparently knows more than you do.
"He asked me questions and for my every answer i was contradicted & debated."
- That's his job as a professional interviewer because he will be held accountable for you if he recommends that you be employed by HMC. By the way, it may seem tough and you may think you did badly but he may not think so. Do not assume.
"He also asked some unnecessary questions about my past jobs."
- Questions about past jobs are not unnecessary. They are to test you on what you know (or don't know). And also to test your attitude - eg. if you blasted your ex employer or were indiscreet with confidential information - the question that's raised will be whether you will worth the trouble to employ or whether you will be more damaging in the long run. Anyone who's indiscreet is a liability to any company because of the wider considerations of maintaining the company's reputation. If your (or other people's) criticism is that HMC's current staff are hopeless (which is denied, as I have no idea and it's not my problem), then HMC's top management probably knows about those criticisms and has set policies to ensure that things change for the better.
"He made me feel totally incompetent amateur and stupid fool. For every sentence i spoke he made me feel like why did i open my mouth at all.After assaulting and battering my self confidence he gave me a test on computer for which i had no energy left. But still i completed my test and he pointed all my mistakes on the spot."
- He was just doing his job. Your attitude during the interview would make the difference. Your current thread is kinda detrimental if you haven't lost the job yet.
BUT as I said, interviewees may feel that they have performed very badly, etc. but you will only know if you don't get the job. cross that bridge only when you come to it. And IF you come to it, pick yourself up and carry on trying. Persevere and a positive attitude will get you far.
"This person is from India (Kerala) and i am Sure he would appoint a Keralite Preferably any of his relative for this job at the end."
- I rest my case.