Out of all the comments one stood out by someone called Monique from Afghanistan who assumed that Qatar is a heaven compared to India which is obviously incorrect.

Lets try to answer the relevant question- the IT way. What makes a country worthwhile? Software - Accountability, rule of law, equality of race,oppurtunity and gender. Developing and productive civil society with "voice". Education.Scientific fervour. Arts and culture scene.

Whats equally important for a good quality of life is Hardware - quality infrastructre and services, vibrant economy with deep pockets,Long term revenue model.

Qatar has the resources now, to acquire the hardware. It has also shown its ability to move towards better application of software. All its attempts at new initiatives on education, sports,reasearch and arts are indicative of the right understanding.How it translates that into a "model" country with effective use of software will depend on how and where it chooses to go from here.

Though most outsiders are here for a simple reason- money. Neither they expect anything more nor are trusted with any greater responsibility than that. Most are willing to ignore the "software errors" because of that.

Quiet lurker. Poor Contributer