by analyzing this issue you are thinking way too deeply about this. My number one problem with relationships and such in the past is over-analyzing. Sitting around all the time thinking "did she like this" "did she like that" "do i look good enough" "am i funny or interesting enough"
just dont care. do what YOU love to do and be open to being friends with anyone you run into. once you find people you like who like you for who you are then youre set
if you want a good girlfriend then go out and make lots of girl friends. find girls you like being around who like being around you and then once youve established that your personalities and friends and such match well then move onto dating.
you cant change if youre ugly. unless youre just ugly because youre out of shape.
my point in saying "who cares" is simply this:
by analyzing this issue you are thinking way too deeply about this. My number one problem with relationships and such in the past is over-analyzing. Sitting around all the time thinking "did she like this" "did she like that" "do i look good enough" "am i funny or interesting enough"
just dont care. do what YOU love to do and be open to being friends with anyone you run into. once you find people you like who like you for who you are then youre set
if you want a good girlfriend then go out and make lots of girl friends. find girls you like being around who like being around you and then once youve established that your personalities and friends and such match well then move onto dating.
you cant change if youre ugly. unless youre just ugly because youre out of shape.