"Muslim Girls: Beware of RSS tactics - Reward to Hindus Boys for Marrying Muslim girls
Dear All,
This is the situation today, god forbid ! please pass this to all especially Muslim girls/women to create an awarenes. May Allah Protect the Ummath of Rasulullah !
Muslim Girls: Beware of RSS tactics
As salamu alaikum,
After killing/rape of 1000s of innocent Muslim women, shameless RSS introduced a new union called SF (SMART FRIENDS) to destroy Muslims and the guys in the SF are only college/school students. Their aim is to love muslim girls. SF member aims to destroy at least one muslim girl ' s life n diz is the order of RSS.. Beware of SF. It is said that these fanatic Hindu guys are trained in such a way that they act like a real and sincere lover and Muslim girls may not have a slight doubt on them. They are also paid for buying gifts and other expenditure for dating Muslim girls.
Plz convey this message to muslim parents and muslim students specially Muslim girls.
RSS also distribute pamphletes to love/woo Muslim girls. Also they are doing SMS campaign to ruin Muslim girls.
SMS campaign offers reward to 'Hindus marrying Muslim girls'
Rajesh Bidkar, a member of an Indore radical group ( Indore is the largest city in Madhya Pradesh state in central India ) on Tuesday issued a SMS 'farmaan' (edict) with a reward of Rs 5,000 ($120) for any Hindu boy who married a Muslim girl.
"He also and offered protection to Hindus who married Muslim girls.
In the message, Bidkar said he had no objection to Hindu girls marrying Muslims, provided they are not cheated in the name of a religion "which permits to keep more than one wife".
huhh ? last week i got a mail saying :
"Muslim Girls: Beware of RSS tactics - Reward to Hindus Boys for Marrying Muslim girls
Dear All,
This is the situation today, god forbid ! please pass this to all especially Muslim girls/women to create an awarenes. May Allah Protect the Ummath of Rasulullah !
Muslim Girls: Beware of RSS tactics
As salamu alaikum,
After killing/rape of 1000s of innocent Muslim women, shameless RSS introduced a new union called SF (SMART FRIENDS) to destroy Muslims and the guys in the SF are only college/school students. Their aim is to love muslim girls. SF member aims to destroy at least one muslim girl ' s life n diz is the order of RSS.. Beware of SF. It is said that these fanatic Hindu guys are trained in such a way that they act like a real and sincere lover and Muslim girls may not have a slight doubt on them. They are also paid for buying gifts and other expenditure for dating Muslim girls.
Plz convey this message to muslim parents and muslim students specially Muslim girls.
RSS also distribute pamphletes to love/woo Muslim girls. Also they are doing SMS campaign to ruin Muslim girls.
SMS campaign offers reward to 'Hindus marrying Muslim girls'
Rajesh Bidkar, a member of an Indore radical group ( Indore is the largest city in Madhya Pradesh state in central India ) on Tuesday issued a SMS 'farmaan' (edict) with a reward of Rs 5,000 ($120) for any Hindu boy who married a Muslim girl.
"He also and offered protection to Hindus who married Muslim girls.
In the message, Bidkar said he had no objection to Hindu girls marrying Muslims, provided they are not cheated in the name of a religion "which permits to keep more than one wife".