Mandi you do that HERE? or back in the States? we arnt talking about what u do back in the States, over here its a different story and i've already stated the reasons as to why this happens. We are not talking about going to a place like Villagio where u have to drive around just to find parking, we are talking about these little grocery shops that u find in the most awkward nooks and corners of Qatar where there is practically no parking, its fast to serve people in the cars. Seriously the shop people have no issues about this, so stop this ranting! Its not exactly a custom to do the honking thing, but hey if you want to park your car where there is hardly any room for the other cars to park while u go in side and take ur sweet time to shop, well then u'll just get honked from behind :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Mandi you do that HERE? or back in the States? we arnt talking about what u do back in the States, over here its a different story and i've already stated the reasons as to why this happens. We are not talking about going to a place like Villagio where u have to drive around just to find parking, we are talking about these little grocery shops that u find in the most awkward nooks and corners of Qatar where there is practically no parking, its fast to serve people in the cars. Seriously the shop people have no issues about this, so stop this ranting! Its not exactly a custom to do the honking thing, but hey if you want to park your car where there is hardly any room for the other cars to park while u go in side and take ur sweet time to shop, well then u'll just get honked from behind :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)