And laws will probably never come in to prevent it cos there are many grey areas. Impossible
to regulate everything in black and white.

So, it goes back to "who's the boss" - sole decision maker or collective decision makers. All decide based on information obtained. Communication is key. If collective - less chance of decisions being biased by 1 or 2 persons' views and therefore, more fair.

You can't really tell the boss that he should pay you double your salary unless you justify it to him that you are worth it. And pls remember not to bite the hand that feeds you and take responsibility for your own actions.

If unhappy with situation - change it. Then I hear complaints about the 2 year ban - which is for non-competition purposes - not allowed in free market economy but does not apply here - fair because there is no uncertainty to its time frame - 2 years is a reasonable time frame. It then boils down to - why are you not prepared to work elsewhere for 2 years and colme back later? Why must you work here right now? And gripe about why your employer is not giving you a NOC.

If I were in the position where my employer does not give me a NOC, I'll leave. No problemo. Go elsewhere and maybe come back in 2 years or not at all. So what?

Btw, my employer also holds my passport. Did you hear me gripe about how illegal and unfair it is? No, I look at things positively. If they lose my passport for me, there'll be hell to pay - for them.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama