Look CID or no CID, undercover cops, fake ID's WHATEVER just be wise esp for our dear ladies. It doesnt matter who the hell shows u what id card, or what they say to you just remember if you want to be on the safe side:

If you havent done anything wrong, u have nothing to worry about. Do NOT get into anyone's car no matter what they say, even if they show u a REAL CID ID card, if you are alone. What is he going to do if you dont go with him? Think about ur safety and as a lady u always have that on your side if things get worse. Say you will call your husband, brother, friend anyone to come along and just make a scene, who knows if its a fake CID agent this might scare him into leaving u alone.

I'm just saying this for the safety of the ladies around, the men well hey if you are into getting in cars with strange men well I wont judge u..lol

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)

