PM - I completely misunderstood you, then.

The rate of change in Qatari society is extremely rapid, far more rapid than anything we are familiar with, and I am sure the behaviour of Qatari girls is a matter of concern to many locals. It is all driven by stuff from the West, you never saw Qatari girls even in jeans before cable TV and the Internet arrived, and there were no boutique Western teen shops back then. I assume the local girls are modelling themselves on stereotypes from TV and the movies, I guess they are encouraged to push things as far as possible by what they see Westerners getting away with in the malls. And so the ball rolls on.

Fifty years from now attitudes and fashions will be completely different and today's teens will probably be tut-tutting over what their great-grand-daughters are getting up to.

If this has anything to do with the girl in Villagio, it is that she represents the extreme outlier of what local girls see Westerners getting away with and, therefore, her actions may encourage them to go one step further than they have so far. The blurred edges of acceptability that you referred to are made a tiny bit wider by her. Perhaps that is what made the men angry enough to challenge her - not that they necessarily care what she does but that she encourages their daughters to "go astray" as they would see it. Her daring, rebellious fashion choice takes on a new meaning as soon she goes out among the locals. I'm not calling it an awful crime, I am saying it is grossly insensitive and hardly surprising if it attracts unwanted attention. She really should have known better.