Ten years ago a couple of French women were reportedly arrested outside The Centre for being dressed indecently, so maybe it is punishable.

I'm sure some girls/women don't think it matters, others want to show their Arab sisters just how liberated you can be, some do it deliberately to offend, some out of ignorance and some because they are tarts.

For some Qatari women I imagine it is quite distressing to see Jezebels flaunting themselves in front of the Qatari's husbands.

I saw a Western visitor in a Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka where they asked you not to enter if your arms and legs were not covered. She wore a bra and pants and a long, light, transparent gauze dress, thinner than a net curtain. Some people just seem to revel in causing offence.

Failing to show any respect for the local culture is a sign of ill-breeding, stupidity or arrogance. She shouldn't be harrassed - but by the sound of things she was asking for just that. Perhaps the security men should have refused her entry, but imagine the fuss her mum would be making here about that ...