try cedars and if that doesn't work you may wish to look for an on-line school. Doha schools are shut down for most of the summer and no one offers summer schools as 90% of the western expats leave. No one wants to be here in the extreme heat. There are lots of youth groups depending on what hobbies your girls have.
try to buy a copy of the MARHABA book as soon as you get here. It is found in all major shops/groceries/book stores etc. It is a guide to Qatar and has lists of restaurants, schools, shopping places, things to do in Doha, and a great list of contacts concerning hobbies/sports groups etc etc etc. I have been here 5 years and I still buy it every time they put a new one out. Always good info in it.
try cedars and if that doesn't work you may wish to look for an on-line school. Doha schools are shut down for most of the summer and no one offers summer schools as 90% of the western expats leave. No one wants to be here in the extreme heat. There are lots of youth groups depending on what hobbies your girls have.
try to buy a copy of the MARHABA book as soon as you get here. It is found in all major shops/groceries/book stores etc. It is a guide to Qatar and has lists of restaurants, schools, shopping places, things to do in Doha, and a great list of contacts concerning hobbies/sports groups etc etc etc. I have been here 5 years and I still buy it every time they put a new one out. Always good info in it.