"Saudi Arabia is the home of Islam; therefore prayers are followed strictly, 6 times a day - Early morning (dark o'clock - you'll probably never see this one), Sunrise, midday, afternoon, sunset and evening, obviously times change throughout the year. For those Moslems found standing around the streets during prayer time, there is the Muttawa (religious police) who will round up ne'er do wells and pack them off to the mosque. Their other tasks include deciding what is (or not) "haram" (against Islam), therefore you will find a lot of censorship and odd items missing from shelves. "
"Saudi Arabia is the home of Islam; therefore prayers are followed strictly, 6 times a day - Early morning (dark o'clock - you'll probably never see this one), Sunrise, midday, afternoon, sunset and evening, obviously times change throughout the year. For those Moslems found standing around the streets during prayer time, there is the Muttawa (religious police) who will round up ne'er do wells and pack them off to the mosque. Their other tasks include deciding what is (or not) "haram" (against Islam), therefore you will find a lot of censorship and odd items missing from shelves.
May be clerical mistake !!!