does the author (from US) expect whatever shown in the movies are 100% facts, these are commercial movies, where a blend of spices added to sparkle the facts with fictions.
Be positive and suggest how India and Indian could get mor OSCARS in future too rather post-mortem the story line.
Do something for these slumkids if possible as the iron is hot, hit it NOW. We all know, people have very short memories, in 3 months down the line, they will forget everything and these poor artists will remain there where they are.
does the author (from US) expect whatever shown in the movies are 100% facts, these are commercial movies, where a blend of spices added to sparkle the facts with fictions.
Be positive and suggest how India and Indian could get mor OSCARS in future too rather post-mortem the story line.
Do something for these slumkids if possible as the iron is hot, hit it NOW. We all know, people have very short memories, in 3 months down the line, they will forget everything and these poor artists will remain there where they are.