Justmoi: In as much as I would like that everybody (no matter what race he/she may be) will not suffer the effect of the financial crisis, it is very unavoidable. What I am trying to point-out is the IRONIC EFFECT of recession and be realistic. I'm just being factual as we all know the bad effect of depression.

Majority of Filipinos belong under poverty line and all these years we are suffering for low-salary in return to our hard-works. Aren't you happy that we can at least have a chance to settle our debts caused by insufficiet income? Maybe you can not appreciate it because you did not experience what we had go through. I am pretty sure that even my salary is multipied by 5, it is just equivalent to your allowance or even less because you belong to first world country.

If you really want anybody to benefit and not gloating, propose to have equal distribution of salaries to all races (i.e. White Engr and Asian Engr, White QS and Asian QS, etc. of same length of experience should receive the same figure/salary). Just a suggestion because it seems you're concern to everybody.