DMS - excellent advice! And one I would take if I got married. (Yes, "if")

PP81177's man is the kind of egocentric man who is quite (read: very) common, who wants a glorified maid and an emotional punching bag - probably physical punching bag later on as well. This is THE reason why I don't want to get married and suffer for the rest of my life. Divorce is unfortunately not an option, unless he threatens my life or the family (if any). You see my predicament?

Back to the problem at hand, PP81177, I think you need to get an intermediary to talk to your husband, someone close to him who can talk some sense into him.

Or I dunno... maybe you can do it yourself, since he "trusts no one but himself". I say this because I have dealt with granite heads before and if he really cares for you, he can change - to everyone else he'll be the a**hole he is but to you, could be different. BUT it will take a lot of time and effort on your part and you must have something or a few things that he really wants. You can change anything and anyone with time and patience, if you show that your motives as clearly for his benefit and not detriment. I wish you all the best and hope that things can be worked out.

/To everybody else, I should take my own advice? Yes, I can but I prefer not to unless absolutely necessary, to save me emotional trauma for I dunno how long, you know what I mean?

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama