even though i said that was my range, i dont mind adding a couple of thousand to it. My concern is not that I dint find something in that range. I found many for 5000 as well but then not standards but privacy and cleanliness has to be sacrificed.

My concern is that many advertisers say it false and they provide facilities in which even they couldnt stay for a while. if there were basic laws that say this flat shud have minimum facilities, this wouldnt have happened.

a prtitioned villa was ok, if it gives you privacy of your conversations and as long as your next door guys conversations do not intrude thru ur wall. a partitioned villa would have been fine if it was not asbestos u wen u lie on the bed. It would have been fine if you invite a fat girl friend home and she could walk straight instead of sideways due to the narrow passage.

now here what i noticed :

at present, for 8500, you can get 2 bedroom fully furnished.

for 6000, u can get two bedroom unfurnished.. some are spacious enough but most are very small

for 10000, u can get three bedroom fully furnished, most of them spacious enough

never ever go for a partitioned villa. a sharing one would be far better than a partitioned one.

you have to give half month's commission to most of the ads you see here online and on newspapers! confirm that first. coz they tell you this only at the last moment.

if it's an indian guy, most of them need only 1000 rials as commission. good for both parties. thats around 13000 rupees.

well now about the villa i got, its four bedroom upstairs, three occupied by other three persons, and one bath attached bedroom (with tub) by me.fully furnished, a spaciuos living / dining and a 'truly patriotic american' kitchen in the ground floor, car parking inside and outside the villa, BBQ facilities within the compound, and a small swimming pool!!! and all for 3500 bucks. really nice flatmates, two indian and a british. cozy sofas with LCD and home theatre with showtime. it's like lottery!;) dont ask me location.. i will let u know wen we plan for party ;)
