the most gratifying moments being a parent is to be with your kids while they're growing up. You kid is in a formative years, where he can adapt easily the behavior of his environment. There's nothing wrong sending one child in a nursery and there's nothing wrong being a working mom. However, your hubby is making good money too, right? You don't have other children yet, so why not be at your side with your son for awhile, stay with him, be his teacher & a mom? Once they grow older, you cannot turn back the time and will miss their toddling years. It's really up to you, the choice is entirely yours, I speak for my experience.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
the most gratifying moments being a parent is to be with your kids while they're growing up. You kid is in a formative years, where he can adapt easily the behavior of his environment. There's nothing wrong sending one child in a nursery and there's nothing wrong being a working mom. However, your hubby is making good money too, right? You don't have other children yet, so why not be at your side with your son for awhile, stay with him, be his teacher & a mom? Once they grow older, you cannot turn back the time and will miss their toddling years. It's really up to you, the choice is entirely yours, I speak for my experience.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman