Good table manners - whose table? That's the fundamental question. Btw, thank you for the informative OP on fine dining.

But note that Chinese culture requires that you burp loudly and chomp your food loudly, to show your hosts that you appreciate the good food they have prepared for you. Also slurp your tea and soup. The louder the better. Some may say that it's rude and barbaric but they will say, "It's our culture, take it or leave it. we don't need to follow what you say just because you say it."
/If they are in your country, they will have to adapt but if you are in their country, YOU will have to adapt.

//So Flan and Popie - loud farts and burps are the way to go! ;0)

//Actually, I also think that "mouth open while eating" is rude, etc but that's just me. I'm halfway between barbaric and prim and proper.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama