it' s not because of NATIONALITY itself.. but rather coz ceratin nationalities possess certain skills which other nationalities don't... simple...
.. even from my own experience. We are currently looking for the NATIVE English speaking FEMALE. This particular person will represent our company, it’s like a “Face of the Company”… We are willing to pay to the right person as much as she wants…Our Clients are all international western companies. We need someone who perfectly speaks English with no accent.. sorry.. it has nothing to do with the racism or so.. it is a strictly matter of business success… By the way she might be black, red, yellow.. whatever her skin color is.. but she has to look representative and to have an English as her Mother language…
this is just a sample.
Now. Second factor is : for how much YOU agree to work for the company. How many times people ask on QL something like : Is that a good offer: 3500 basic+sharing accommodation for the engineering position?? .. How many times we say: it is a BAD offer .. but people from certain countries MUST grab this offer, coz they have nothing better back home.. now ask a Germany engineer whether he will accept this offer? he will be laughing ... So.. IF the company desperately needs this particular Engineer, it will pay to him as much as he wants (see above).
Approach to the matter is different:
-specialist from country “A” is desperate for the job. Company says: we will pay that much, take it or leave it.
-specialist from country “B” doesn’t really need a job, as he’s got one back home, but Qatari company attracts him with an excellent salary and other benefits..
... So, i'd rather blame the governments of some countries which cannot provide a decent life for their citizens, who are desperately looking for any job anywhere in the world..

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry