With a Sociology background , you are jumping into Construciton Material , Building Mateials.
The guy who offered the job, will look at the market and the revenue for 6 months, and later wind up the company
I am not discouraging you. But advise you to be cautious.
You take salary - for 9 months or 12 months..
then say bye - if the employer wish.
This has hppened in this coountry... Much bigger "professional" banks bring people from US / UK and tell them Bye.. ( they take the full 6-months salary as per contract, in case of termination ) and go back to the homecountry... ( with a mischevious smile )
if you come, dont start living in posh style with BMW or 4-wheelers or swimming pool villa... Try to save your salary and say bye ..... with a hefty pocket !!!!
With a Sociology background , you are jumping into Construciton Material , Building Mateials.
The guy who offered the job, will look at the market and the revenue for 6 months, and later wind up the company
I am not discouraging you. But advise you to be cautious.
You take salary - for 9 months or 12 months..
then say bye - if the employer wish.
This has hppened in this coountry... Much bigger "professional" banks bring people from US / UK and tell them Bye.. ( they take the full 6-months salary as per contract, in case of termination ) and go back to the homecountry... ( with a mischevious smile )
if you come, dont start living in posh style with BMW or 4-wheelers or swimming pool villa... Try to save your salary and say bye ..... with a hefty pocket !!!!