If this is the short guy who wears a floppy hat, he is Vietnamese and I have spoken with him a couple of times and given him money. Sometimes he is at Villaggio doing the same thing. From what I understand, he was injured in a fall and has knee problems. He is currently collecting empty aluminium cans which he sells on for recycling.

I have the means to help this person through an organisation specifically created to help needy migrant labourers but can't communicate wih him. I have given him my telephone number and tried to convey to him that he needs to have someone who speaks English call me. Does anyone out there know someone who speaks Vietnamese who would be willing to speak to him on the telephone and act as translator? If so, please let me know.

Meantime, its a great idea to separate your coke and pepsi cans from your garbage and leave them in a bag outside for easy retreival. There are many abandoned labourers in his position who are relying on can collection to sustain them through desperate times.