currently , I'm civil- structural site engineer working with Sonatrach Total Repsol JV in TFT LNG GAS FIELDS DEVELOPMENT Project
(construction of onshore LNG GAS processing facilities in TFT , Sahara of Algeria)
I'm looking for roles / jobs like :
(construction supervisor (civil) , foreman (civil) , site engineer (civil - structural)
in Onshore engineering , special projects , industrial cities departments of QP ,RASGAS and similar
Dear NatalieO
currently , I'm civil- structural site engineer working with Sonatrach Total Repsol JV in TFT LNG GAS FIELDS DEVELOPMENT Project
(construction of onshore LNG GAS processing facilities in TFT , Sahara of Algeria)
I'm looking for roles / jobs like :
(construction supervisor (civil) , foreman (civil) , site engineer (civil - structural)
in Onshore engineering , special projects , industrial cities departments of QP ,RASGAS and similar
my email is : [email protected]
I want to send you my CV to advice me and assist me in my application with QP
best regards