if it's a girl? do you love to see your daughter loose her virginity at the age of 9 or 10?
I don't know what kind of parents are those who allow their kids to have sex (even using protection)
Gypsy: you saying that Govt. should consider giving 'Condoms' and 'Pill' freely sp. in the schools ? It means you are supporting the idea of sex in children ?
Suppose your suggestion becomes reality and every kids has access to 'Condoms' (yeah their fav taste Strawberry and Orange) and 'Pill' freely... don't you think sex will become open.. open in sense that you will find them having sex in public parks, beaches even streets ;-)
People will throw condoms like spitting chewing on the street :-D
if it's a girl? do you love to see your daughter loose her virginity at the age of 9 or 10?
I don't know what kind of parents are those who allow their kids to have sex (even using protection)
Gypsy: you saying that Govt. should consider giving 'Condoms' and 'Pill' freely sp. in the schools ? It means you are supporting the idea of sex in children ?
Suppose your suggestion becomes reality and every kids has access to 'Condoms' (yeah their fav taste Strawberry and Orange) and 'Pill' freely... don't you think sex will become open.. open in sense that you will find them having sex in public parks, beaches even streets ;-)
People will throw condoms like spitting chewing on the street :-D
Basically Human will become Animals !!