What do I think, tallg? I think the writer is angry, whiney and petulant. He (or she) sounds like a small boy who stamps his foot and shouts, "It's not fair!" at his mother, or a little girl who complains that she is bored in a room full of toys. I really have a hard time believing that he or she gives a rodent's behind about what the Chamber of Commerce is called in a small American town. If I had such a resentment list (and mine is probably just as long) I would take pleasure in burning it. The author is obviously bright and educated, but I am sorry he or she is using those attributes and an agenda to spread division and to lie about its source. I thank God every day that I had the privilege of being brought up and educated FOR FREE in the US. I hope to pay back that debt to society throughout my life. I am certainly aware of the problems in the US but I certainly hope I don't waste my criticism on cheap shots. I instead focus on what I can do to help provide constructive social change, insha'allah.