maids can go and complain whether they have their passports or not. if they have their passports however they're embassies can help them more. if they complain to the police then as long as the person they're complaining about doesn't have any powerful ties they should be ok. some employers ask for the passport so that the maid can't rob them and leave which happens sometimes. the maid should never agree to that because it compromises her position greatly.
mistreating maids has always been reprimanded in the more educated social circles in lebanon. unfortunately, ignorant people also get maids...and give us all this crappy reputation. all you can do is treat your maid in the most fitting manner and hope others do the same i guess.
maids can go and complain whether they have their passports or not. if they have their passports however they're embassies can help them more. if they complain to the police then as long as the person they're complaining about doesn't have any powerful ties they should be ok. some employers ask for the passport so that the maid can't rob them and leave which happens sometimes. the maid should never agree to that because it compromises her position greatly.
mistreating maids has always been reprimanded in the more educated social circles in lebanon. unfortunately, ignorant people also get maids...and give us all this crappy reputation. all you can do is treat your maid in the most fitting manner and hope others do the same i guess.