The original thread was what Britian had done for the rest of the world. As I said at the time, I hoped it was not going to be a mud slinging session, but as usual it has!

As I said quite a few threads ago, it was the Arabs started slavery and I in no way supportive of slavery and I make no apologies for my fore fathers, that is history. Interesting though, it still goes on in other countries!

And just for your information, yes England did 'take over' and we did 'colonise' but we were not the only ones and we were not as cruel as some. I am not saying we were right! All I am saying, all the world was doing it at that time and some still are! Yes we did have 3/4 of the world for a long time. However, for all the harm we did we also did good and neither of those points can be denied.