At least it proves that there are high level professionals who works for the excellent organized brain washing death machine, which makes young people to die…
that’s why I always say, these bombers are as the same poor victims as people they blow! Some bloody "Mother of Believers" once came into their lives, “recruited” them, “persuaded to be bombers”, “trained” them, and finally “picked them up and led them to their targets”.. sounds like someone is playing with the robots toys…sad!
So stop performing the same song: “people blow up themselves when they have nothing to loose”. NO! People blow up themselves when some criminals take a full control over their mind, their psychic, their souls and start manipulating their lives (or their death, I’d say?)
This bloody death machine must be stopped and destroied in the first place.. then maybe we will see the lights at the end of the tunnel…

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry