Most probably because he is just not into her. She's just an option, while waiting for someone better to come along. That's my story and my experience.

Agree with Khanan to a large extent that LDRs do not work MOST times. Sometimes, they do but usually, absence does not make the heart grow fonder where the absence is prolonged and there is no firm commitment, like a marriage or a steady relationship.

I have friends who have handled LDRs for a few years and ended up getting married and still stay married for over 8-10 years.

So, it all depends on whether your friend is CERTAIN about her bf's character and commitment to her. 1001 ways to be certain about that and if she's truly not looking through rose tinted glasses, then she would know better that any of her friends and family, as ONLY SHE knows him personally. [I know, it's highly likely that she's in lurvve and blinded]

Anyway, the LDR cannot be maintained too long, committed relationship or not. The distance and few snatches of time spent together puts both parties back to being just friends or they will drift apart. Either he should make his way to be with her or she with him. Someone has to make the sacrifice. If he insists that she make that sacrifice, I'd think twice about his egocentricity, and probably dump him.

/Yes, UkEng - so many words and back to britexpat's "ditch him". Sound advice. But my above long postie (this one took me a good 10 minutes but during lunch break) hopefully gives vip ideas to tell her again, to ditch him.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama