:) :)... "feel" i mean emotionally :)
well...once you are there you will know what i mean...
let's say if during the rare "communication" he expresses his love, he cannot get enough of talking to her, he does and say.. i don't know.. all these sweet crazy things that gives her a strong confidence in his feelings… after that kind of conversation no need to "communicate" another 2-3-4 days ..you still have this smile on your lips, this dizziness in your mind, this sweetness in your heart..
but if she calls him, and he kind of : oh, hi, it's you again? yeah, how i you?
she: do you miss me?
He: Sure, i miss you! but you know I am so bloody busy!
She: Do you love me?
He: Of course I love you! How can you doubt it!! TRUST is the key thing in the relationship! Trust me! She: so why you didn't call me yesterday?
He: OMG, you again! I was so busy! please understand it!
she starts crying: You don't love me!
He: come’ on girl! Of course I am crazy about you! Just stop crying!..
and so on.. after that he doesn't call her again for a week. When she calls him, the whole scenario is repeated exactly in a same way..(tell me I am wrong!)

and then she thinks: but he SAYS he loves me!! Maybe I am wrong? may be he is really busy??
NO GIRL! he is just not that into you!

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry