Yep, have to agree. The Saudi is right. The jobs should go to their own citizens. Qatarisation, for example, is the right thing to do: sadly, however, it doesn't work. It's a natural and organic thing for citizens in a country to go out and work and build their countrys economy up through hard work. The truth, as we well know, is that not all their citizens are necessarily willing or qualified and competent to do some of this work. Those of us who work in education are working to change that, but it will take time. But more to the point, a change in attitude and motivation - and while the govt hands out money hand over fist, that's going to be hard to achieve.
Yep, have to agree. The Saudi is right. The jobs should go to their own citizens. Qatarisation, for example, is the right thing to do: sadly, however, it doesn't work. It's a natural and organic thing for citizens in a country to go out and work and build their countrys economy up through hard work. The truth, as we well know, is that not all their citizens are necessarily willing or qualified and competent to do some of this work. Those of us who work in education are working to change that, but it will take time. But more to the point, a change in attitude and motivation - and while the govt hands out money hand over fist, that's going to be hard to achieve.