- Few published studies, surveys or research with too many limitations such as no proper control groups, speculative theoretical papers without any data / facts.
- There are pros and cons to every situation eg. Pros - mainly fosters communication - with loved ones across the miles/seas, helps busy people keep in touch with friends and make new friends, alleviates loneliness for many, thus helping them to stay psychologically stable,etc. Cons - "the subset of people who spend so much time online, especially in sexual encounters, that they report problems in their marriages, families and work." "may lure people into trouble they might otherwise avoid."
The "loss of control" of addicts - maybe something to consider. If they spend too much time in cyber space without getting out and actually mixing around with real people, they can be totally anti-social.
A paradox - a social tool when used for good or in a positive manner but it can be an anti-social tool when it's negative. They won't be living in the real world and won't learn to accurately tell truth from error.
The internet is also open to so many abuses - people need to be educated in handling the internet, there ought to be some measures of control to avoid blind slanders or character assassinations, etc.
"Other signs include time distortion, accelerated intimacy and decreased inhibition."
- Oops! But my decreased inhibition has nothing to do with the internet... I didn't have a pc until about 8 years ago and didn't surf much as I only had a dial up connection. Only got broadband 3 years ago.
/Btw, online and offline, what you see is what you get.
"Men prefer visual stimuli and more focused sexual experiences, while women are more interested in relationships and interactions," says Cooper, who is training coordinator at Stanford University's counseling and psychological services center, Cowell Student Health Center.
- what it says is what is known, isn't it? Men prefer visual stimuli and women more interested in interactions.
/But too much "interaction" = verbal diarrhea.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
For many people, yes. For me, no.
- Few published studies, surveys or research with too many limitations such as no proper control groups, speculative theoretical papers without any data / facts.
- There are pros and cons to every situation eg. Pros - mainly fosters communication - with loved ones across the miles/seas, helps busy people keep in touch with friends and make new friends, alleviates loneliness for many, thus helping them to stay psychologically stable,etc. Cons - "the subset of people who spend so much time online, especially in sexual encounters, that they report problems in their marriages, families and work." "may lure people into trouble they might otherwise avoid."
The "loss of control" of addicts - maybe something to consider. If they spend too much time in cyber space without getting out and actually mixing around with real people, they can be totally anti-social.
A paradox - a social tool when used for good or in a positive manner but it can be an anti-social tool when it's negative. They won't be living in the real world and won't learn to accurately tell truth from error.
The internet is also open to so many abuses - people need to be educated in handling the internet, there ought to be some measures of control to avoid blind slanders or character assassinations, etc.
"Other signs include time distortion, accelerated intimacy and decreased inhibition."
- Oops! But my decreased inhibition has nothing to do with the internet... I didn't have a pc until about 8 years ago and didn't surf much as I only had a dial up connection. Only got broadband 3 years ago.
/Btw, online and offline, what you see is what you get.
"Men prefer visual stimuli and more focused sexual experiences, while women are more interested in relationships and interactions," says Cooper, who is training coordinator at Stanford University's counseling and psychological services center, Cowell Student Health Center.
- what it says is what is known, isn't it? Men prefer visual stimuli and women more interested in interactions.
/But too much "interaction" = verbal diarrhea.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama