your lawyer should have explained to you the new rules. If you applied BEFORE new rules were implemented, your case should be proceeded under the previous rules.
Now. It’s not really that your occupation is NOT in the list. The rule works as following.
There are more demanded occupations, there are less demanded occupations. Your submit the application on date xx.xx.xxxx. The Immigration Offices first proceed the applications with more demanded occupation, and THEN, if within one year from the date xx/xx/xxxx no such applications left any more, then your application is proceeded. If it happened that your occupation is less demanded and your application is waiting for its turn for more than 1 year, your application is returned to you. It DOES NOT mean you are rejected. It means that there are more demanded occupations that need to be proceeded first, BEFORE your application. If you still want to try your luck, you can apply again. Next time you can be luckier, it means all demanded occupations BEFORE your application will be proceeded within 1 year, then the process on your application will be initialized as well. If again 1 year is expired and your application is still not proceeded, it will be returned to you again.

and for DaRu... just go and marry your girlfriend in Halifax, and you can visit her any time you want :)

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry