With SMART, you dont have to load everyday or every week just to maintain your sim or be activated. you can do SmartLoad or Over The Air Reload once in 3 Months. The sim will be deactivated within 120 days of NO LOAD. 1 Peso text from Pinas to Internatioal Roaming Sim. Smart Signal is also good in Doha. In industrial Area is good, why not in the city. :)
thru my personal experience...With SMART, you dont have to load everyday or every week .... not only for weeks but even for months or so...!! ... the very last time i topped-up a PHP30.00 reloaded thru SMS was July 2008... yet until now... it still receives SMS...
id like to add further on this...
With SMART, you dont have to load everyday or every week just to maintain your sim or be activated. you can do SmartLoad or Over The Air Reload once in 3 Months. The sim will be deactivated within 120 days of NO LOAD. 1 Peso text from Pinas to Internatioal Roaming Sim. Smart Signal is also good in Doha. In industrial Area is good, why not in the city. :)
thru my personal experience...With SMART, you dont have to load everyday or every week .... not only for weeks but even for months or so...!! ... the very last time i topped-up a PHP30.00 reloaded thru SMS was July 2008... yet until now... it still receives SMS...