Genesis (or anyone else) - where can we get the GT 27-01 article?

gloopygladys said "...IF the locals were capable and eager to 'do' the work that is needed in Qatar, they would be doing it. None of us would have jobs. We would be out of here. "

Some of them are capable and eager to do the work that's needed here but many of them are not there YET. These things don't happen overnight or even within a short time but at least they are aware of the need to be educated, the oil and gas money won't last forever, etc. etc. Awareness is the first step to change for the better. They had started a few years ago on this Qatarization idea, I believe. They are pressing on with it. It's always very difficult to make improvements but little by little, with concerted effort, things WILL change for the better.

To everyone else - my comment is that they need to get their house in order and not be dependent on outside assistance. Being friends with outsiders is great, to continue learning and growing from other perspectives but at the end of the day, rely only on God and yourself. "Yourself" can be an individual, a team, a company,a nation.

By the way, criticism is fine. Take it constructively. Assess it unemotionally to see if there's any merit in the criticism. If there is none, then ignore it, like water off a duck's back. If there is merit in the criticism, then work on making a change for the better. That can be quick or slow, depending on one's own peculiar circumstances. If other people want to judge, does it matter? No one else lives our lives but us.

Another thing about criticism - when one steps back and assesses things objectively, one might see the other motivating factors driving the person criticizing - most times, it's envy or jealousy at what other people have, hurt leading to bias and skewered perceptions, etc.etc.

/And no, I don't have blinkers on. I am aware of the negative actions of some Qataris. This morning,one Qatari lady was queue jumping in her big 4WD.

//And btw, the criticisms leveled at Qatar eg. relying on cheap labour, etc is true of all developing nations. Those from developed nations see things differently because of non-exposure to the other perspective.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama