But keep in mind this amount of money could be your way out. I personally would not kill anyone, but for millions of dollars, this is hard because of the fact no one will no what u did. its like the old saying, integrity is what you do when no one else is looking... i am a huge twilight zone fan, so i mean i love this stuff. It reminds me of the episodes the mask... classic stuff dude. I remember watching this stuff as a child. the funny part is the twilight zone scares me now as a adult, lol. excellent viewing...
But keep in mind this amount of money could be your way out. I personally would not kill anyone, but for millions of dollars, this is hard because of the fact no one will no what u did. its like the old saying, integrity is what you do when no one else is looking... i am a huge twilight zone fan, so i mean i love this stuff. It reminds me of the episodes the mask... classic stuff dude. I remember watching this stuff as a child. the funny part is the twilight zone scares me now as a adult, lol. excellent viewing...