I have gotten used to being insulted on forums, and sometimes I take things as an insult. I am trying to take what said as advice and not an insult.

But then again, many people dont understand me. I know it is hard for "foreigners" in Qatar, and there is much discrimination, I do know that. My only problem is citizenship. I don't have the citizenship, but I have the blood and culture. My great-grandparents lost their Saudi citizenship for reasons I never tell anyone.

If you are going to talk about my race and culture, know this about me:
I have Arab blood flowing through my veins.
I am Muslim.
The color of my skin is the same as His Highness the Amir's.
I wear Thobe, Ghutrah, and Aghal about 95% of the time.
I speak Arabic, and now I am studying Classical Arabic.
I know, understand, and practice the etiquettes and manners of Arab culture.
I know the differences between the culture, practices, and people of the different GCC states. They are not "all the same" and I know this.
So there shouldnt be any cultural problems, between me and the girl and her family, just citizenship problems.

I just hate being misunderstood. It really does seem like I am cursed.

The reasons I want to move to Qatar is not easy to put into words, but here is a metaphorical example of why I cannot stand having US Citizenship:
Imagine life is like a big football (Soccer) game, and there are two teams. One team has tall, strong, athletic players that play well, and the other team has fat, unathletic players that cannot play. Both teams have fans that wave the team flags and wear the team colors. I would be very unhappy if I was assigned to play for the unathletic fat team, and would not be proud to wave their flag or colors.
But of course, life is even bigger than a football game. I hope you understand the metaphor.