Jane Curtin (1976–1980)
Jane Curtin anchoring Weekend Update.Jane Curtin replaced Chase a few shows into Season 2 when he left in 1976; she remained as anchor until 1980. Curtin finished Season 2 solo, but was then paired with co-anchors Dan Aykroyd (1977–1978) and Bill Murray (1978–1980). A frequent feature of Update during this time was Point-Counterpoint, in which Curtin and Aykroyd made ad hominem attacks on each other's positions on a variety of topics. Aykroyd regularly began his reply with "Jane, you ignorant slut," which became another of the many SNL catch phrases (Curtin frequently began her reply with, "Dan, you pompous ass"). Other popular running features were John Belushi giving editorials; Gilda Radner's characters Emily Litella and Roseanne Roseannadanna. During Curtin's tenure as host, she opened each Weekend Update segment with Roger Grimsby's "Here now the news" sign-on, and closed with Chase's "That's the news. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow."
She died of cancer I think...
You can't teach experience...
Jane Curtin (1976–1980)
Jane Curtin anchoring Weekend Update.Jane Curtin replaced Chase a few shows into Season 2 when he left in 1976; she remained as anchor until 1980. Curtin finished Season 2 solo, but was then paired with co-anchors Dan Aykroyd (1977–1978) and Bill Murray (1978–1980). A frequent feature of Update during this time was Point-Counterpoint, in which Curtin and Aykroyd made ad hominem attacks on each other's positions on a variety of topics. Aykroyd regularly began his reply with "Jane, you ignorant slut," which became another of the many SNL catch phrases (Curtin frequently began her reply with, "Dan, you pompous ass"). Other popular running features were John Belushi giving editorials; Gilda Radner's characters Emily Litella and Roseanne Roseannadanna. During Curtin's tenure as host, she opened each Weekend Update segment with Roger Grimsby's "Here now the news" sign-on, and closed with Chase's "That's the news. Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow."
She died of cancer I think...
You can't teach experience...