Sheesh, abu.adil, you sound like George Bush when he says, "if you're not with us you are against us." I have supported Palestine with my heart and my feet and my wallet. But I haven't yet found an effective plan for a boycott of Israeli products. I certainly swear I never use Teva and Naiot and Ahava, but after that it gets too murky. Starbucks (to name a favorite target) is not an Israeli company. Show me an Israeli company that exports from Israel (and doesn't use a majority of Palestinians as employees) and I'm there! But we have to be smart about this. And believe me, as much as I hate to say it, it's hard to be smarter than the Israelis. I will NOT give them an excuse to say that those supporting Palestine in this way are wrong or misguided or just plain stupid. I believe that it's even more important to win the PR war. Damaging a few Israeli companies - if we could find them and successfully affect them economically - is minimal compared to winning the hearts and minds of the rest of the world.