You obviously think this kind of thing is ok Qatari, its not. You put your own lives in danger and those of innocent bystanders who just happen to be travelling on the same road. Lets remember these are public roadways, there not there just for little boys with something to prove. How would you like it if your mother was terrorized by some show off in a black truck who refused to let her pass and tried to intimidate her with reving engine and squeeling tyres. I think that would upset you. I have live in cities all over the world, and have never experienced this so it cant be as common as you think. In any case, its irresponsible, dangerous and idiotic to say the least.
You obviously think this kind of thing is ok Qatari, its not. You put your own lives in danger and those of innocent bystanders who just happen to be travelling on the same road. Lets remember these are public roadways, there not there just for little boys with something to prove. How would you like it if your mother was terrorized by some show off in a black truck who refused to let her pass and tried to intimidate her with reving engine and squeeling tyres. I think that would upset you. I have live in cities all over the world, and have never experienced this so it cant be as common as you think. In any case, its irresponsible, dangerous and idiotic to say the least.