agree with FS and Kareena that in the muslim society it is still a taboo; one need to understand that both the sexes are equally capable of handling the situations / circumstances created by nature.

Look around the European world, females are over burdened other side of the world Asian, African females, where prospective girls look for a wealthy, established men so they could enjoy the best of life after their marriages at husbands expenses.

It is more of a cultural, traditional and society's influence over the family system.

In my personal view, a female should be explained and well briefed of the pros and cons of being a working women and let her to make a choice depend on her attitude, requirements and circumstances rather imposing our own whims and fancies.

She is quite smart to take major decision on her life,
They need to take the freedom as an opportunity rather exploiting and misusing it.
Anyways All the best Young Ladies!