And therein lies difference in the mentality of "Asian" men and "Western" men. Can you guys see it clearly?

By this generalization, I mean it in the narrow sense (the frogs under their own coconut shells) and the broader sense to include those who are Asians but exposed to and prefer Western ideals and the Westerners who are exposed to and prefer Eastern ideals.

Agree with FS, Amoud, britexpat and Kareena74.

Hmm.. letsee.. I wouldn't mind being at home and taking care of the family, if I had husband who could provide for me emotionally (treat me as equal, no cheating, keep ego in check or be picking it off the floor, etc.) and physically (roof over my head, food on table, etc). I usually take my responsibilities very seriously but I won't be staying at home all the time cos I need to roam and my mind needs to be free on a regular basis.

I'd want to work part time or maybe do volunteer work - reason being so that I can continue to grow and improve, learn new things and not let mental atrophy set in. And also as security in the event something untoward happens, I'm not left without options and can find work to support myself (and kids, if any).

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama