Oryx & britexpat, I'd want the kidney back too, that ingrate!

/But rimlaw is right in the sense that a vital organ is not a "thing" and the donation cannot be revoked.

But it's NOT erroneous for the advocate to claim literally for the subject matter and because the advocate is aware of the possible interpretation by the courts, there is the alternative prayer for compensation with the quantum of damages assessed at $1.5million (£1 million), presumably supported by evidence from legal textbooks and relevant cases in the jurisdiction in which the case is filed, I'm sure you know, rimlaw.

Below is just an example -
Total loss of one kidney €43,100 to €84,900

/But I dunno how they arrived at the 1.5mil quantum, probably added some other heads of damages. It all depends on their proof. Pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, etc. Can't say because we have insufficient information. Cannot draw any conclusions based on mere conjecture

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama