dmightysolomon - Hope you saw above that its not only Arien's problem.Almost everyone wastes time ending up in those threads by mistake.its solvable issue too.
I have not pointed anything against philgroup or the community.rather i agree they are one of the main strength and support of QL.
I pity you dont understand the meaning of the words ''REQUEST AND SUGGESTION'' doesnt mean ''TEACHING'' in english.grow up.
Thanks for understandg Brit,avishai,zayd..
dmightysolomon - Hope you saw above that its not only Arien's problem.Almost everyone wastes time ending up in those threads by mistake.its solvable issue too.
I have not pointed anything against philgroup or the community.rather i agree they are one of the main strength and support of QL.
I pity you dont understand the meaning of the words ''REQUEST AND SUGGESTION'' doesnt mean ''TEACHING'' in english.grow up.
Thanks for understandg Brit,avishai,zayd..
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