Yes, Drac, that's true. The reason probably is IQ and EQ.

"Absent minded" professors are common. They have brilliant IQ but when it comes to other day to day things - self awareness and awareness of others, etc. (more or less, the common sense you speak about), they are lacking, some embarrassingly so. They are brilliant and totally focused on whichever area they are brilliant in to the exclusion of everything else.

Super smart people need to realize this and work on their EQ to balance out. And because they are super smart, once they are aware, they can change for the better.

While it is arguably true that for them to come up with brilliant solutions to whatever problems they are faced with, they need isolation to be able to think clearly. But they should not carry that too far into every area of their lives, esp. their families. There must be cut off points to manage their lives better. What most of them do is get a partner who manages things for them, but still, they gotta get off their a**e and meet their partner halfway, at some point in time. Same thing for both men and women, only thing is women multitask better... but still...

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama