He was born as a man, raised as a man
and we muslims belive jesus did'nt die, he is living and will come soon.
"they killed him not and crucified him not"
i think this is the one difference between u and me.

we belive the divinity of Jesus christ and prophet muhammed prophesized in bible.
if Jesus is the way of salavation(according to bible), we muslims follow him very best and right than christians themselves. so we are right fellows with your church who will enter the kingdom of GOD. My actual post is about it. Muslims are the only people in the world who follow him verily. jesus taught to follow commandements, not merely a simple belif can save a person. But doing good deeds, forbidding bad deeds, following the commandments of GOD, are the aspects of paradise people.

an example:-
Dont u see the imaginary pics and idols of jesus(Pbh), also the film "passion", Jesus beard is obvious!
Perhaps Jesus(a) has beard.
do u know growing beard is "sunnah" for us.
and u can read many more example from my true post itself proves how we LOVE our JESUS.