ha.. Can anyone tell you the names of companies in qatar?? to tell you where? over the phone or here, on QL??? do you want us to copy and paste here on QL a whole Business Directory on hundreds of pages with the company names and their phone numbers??... do you want one of QLers would become a “yellow pages’ for a while??
what a weird people want to apply for the job.. and the funniest thing, they WILL get one, and then they will complain that their salary is too low...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
ha.. Can anyone tell you the names of companies in qatar?? to tell you where? over the phone or here, on QL??? do you want us to copy and paste here on QL a whole Business Directory on hundreds of pages with the company names and their phone numbers??... do you want one of QLers would become a “yellow pages’ for a while??
what a weird people want to apply for the job.. and the funniest thing, they WILL get one, and then they will complain that their salary is too low...
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry