EU (Good FRIENDS / supporters sitting in US Senate & many allies EU nations) delegations by giving ultimatum warnings to ISRAEL to stop this massacre immediately or ready to face international community sanctions (boycott)or retaliation!
Similary what US, UK and UN has done with IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and IRAN recently apply same to ISRAEL..
Send Arab community delegation to discontinue diplomatic relationship with Israel, stop this mass killing of innocents otherwise ready to face the aftermath.
I personally feels Israel will continue to fulfil their ambition to clean the palestine region from the world map prior Obama takes over presidential post and CHANGE US foreign policy by Stop supporting ISRAEL!!!
Urge all muslim leaders/countries and Ummah to wake up and unite for the global cause!
EU (Good FRIENDS / supporters sitting in US Senate & many allies EU nations) delegations by giving ultimatum warnings to ISRAEL to stop this massacre immediately or ready to face international community sanctions (boycott)or retaliation!
Similary what US, UK and UN has done with IRAQ, AFGHANISTAN and IRAN recently apply same to ISRAEL..
Send Arab community delegation to discontinue diplomatic relationship with Israel, stop this mass killing of innocents otherwise ready to face the aftermath.
I personally feels Israel will continue to fulfil their ambition to clean the palestine region from the world map prior Obama takes over presidential post and CHANGE US foreign policy by Stop supporting ISRAEL!!!
Urge all muslim leaders/countries and Ummah to wake up and unite for the global cause!