QLers...Did you know THE BILL CLINTON story?!!
You know before this ex-president was the actual president, he was an ordinary kid that goes to school...FIGURES!!
Anyway, his teacher asked the class of their goals (what they want to be when they grow up);
may be some of u know this...
But a kid said he wanted to play with Barshelona(probbly spelled wrong), and be the 1st greatest football player in the world.
Another kid said, he wanted to be rich and own his own supermarket.
Did u know what little Bill..said..:
he said"I want to be the president of the United States"
there ya go...
his class thought it was funny at that time, impossible really, since he lived with his widowed poor mother and hardly earned an actual living..
he achieved that goal!!
amazing u say??
I say..
QLers...Did you know THE BILL CLINTON story?!!
You know before this ex-president was the actual president, he was an ordinary kid that goes to school...FIGURES!!
Anyway, his teacher asked the class of their goals (what they want to be when they grow up);
may be some of u know this...
But a kid said he wanted to play with Barshelona(probbly spelled wrong), and be the 1st greatest football player in the world.
Another kid said, he wanted to be rich and own his own supermarket.
Did u know what little Bill..said..:
he said"I want to be the president of the United States"
there ya go...
his class thought it was funny at that time, impossible really, since he lived with his widowed poor mother and hardly earned an actual living..
he achieved that goal!!
amazing u say??
I say..