Some believe that the universe and everything in it was a 'spontaneous' event; and that we evolved from monkeys!

Well the monkeys are those who believe in the falsehood and lie that is the theory of Evolution which has pretty much been fact Darwin abused science for his own ends and fed the world a 'theory' not based upon observation or testing but rather from using logic devoid of ration hence he guessed and he theorised and presented these as facts...the atheists swallowed his 'shite' whole and but alas his nonsense has been exposed as fallacy devoid of a factual basis...

Which makes me question the 'holocaust'..yes the nazis were murderous and they killed jews, the disabled; the gypsies etc but never in the numbers being presented by the jews or those who put the evidence together post nuremburg...

the jews had been wanting a homeland; promised by Balfour in 1917 and the 2nd World War provided the opportunity to use the killing of jews to lay claim to palestine as the promised land...the US which emerged as the one of two Superpowers, after the UK, France, Germany had been exhausted in the war; began to create its new world order. the US pushed for jewish homeland in palestine to create leverage for its future plans in the muslim the same time the US was inciting the world again colonialism and as a result the british, french were kicked out of their former colonies leaving the US to move in.

Thus there is no conclusive evidence that 6 million jews were exterminated by the nazis just like the theory of evolution; it is based on a hypthesis devoid of a factual basis.